Thursday, December 12, 2019


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In this quarter, the lesson is good, the new experience aren't bad. New skills gained, new things that can be used in the future. It has been hard an challenging quarter because this quarter tests my determination for my studies. I've also experienced lack of time because I didn't manage my time well specially in finishing all the activities that was given to us. At the end of the day I feel very exhausted because I didn't want to fail this quarter. I'd still tried to work hard even at night to finish all the requirements or activities given to us...


Gift, give it back!


Image result for gift give it backChristmas is the most special occadion that we need yo celebrate on the month of December. The day when we received our greatest gift, our saviour was born.
Christmas  is one of the most awaited season of all people. Excited to the gift that we are to receive, food that we would be eating and of course to the dress that we would be wearing. We were so happy celebrating, like its our last day but we didn't that not all are experiencing this. Poor families that are living in the street, families that doesn't have a food to eat, sleeping without even taking anything. This is the reality not all people have the same status as you.
The essence of christmas is not about having sparkling christmas lights and having well decorated christmas tree.
Image result for gift give it back  Christmas is the day of giving. Share, spread and give love. It is not important how much you give because it the thought  that counts. Giving even you are also in need, giving wholeheartedly without waiting for return. Sharing without thinking of any reward or tokens.  Show your love even in the simplest thing that you know, smile to the person beside, even they are strangers or they are your enemies, say hello to anyone you'll meet along your way. Hug your friends tight, and dont forget to say the word "thank you".
On this day we received Jesus Christ, God gave his only son to us. So it's now our turn to give back by giving to the people around us.




Image result for gad vawc
     Violence Against Women (VAW) has a very long history, though the incidents and intensity of such violence has varied over time and even today varies between societies. Such violence is often seen as a mechanism for the subjugation of women, whether in society in general or in an interpersonal relationship. Such violence may arise from a sense of entitlement, superiority, misogyny or similar attitudes in the perpetrator, or because of his violent nature, especially against women.
Violence against women (VAW), also known as gender-based violence and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), are violent acts the victims of which are primarily or exclusively women or girls. Such violence is often considered a form of hate crime, committed against women or girls specifically because they are female, and can take many forms.


Friday, November 29, 2019

Let"s go Green that it makes Environment Clean

          Today we will learn about environmental awareness. We will define the term, cite examples, explore the history of environmental awareness, and discuss its importance.
Environmental Awareness.
          Maybe some of you have seen posters, ads, and the like carrying the exhortation ''Go Green!'' But, what does it mean to ''go green''? It takes a variety of forms, but essentially, going green means being mindful of the natural environment and making economic choices that aren't harmful to the earth. For example, this might mean purchasing a glass or ceramic water bottle instead of using disposable plastic water bottles. Plastic takes an incredibly long time to break down, and a significant percentage of plastic makes it to the oceans, where it kills plant and animal life. Going green might also involve using an all-natural hair-care product, instead of a can of aerosol spray containing toxic chemicals.
Image result for environmental awareness          When people ''go green,'' they are practicing environmental awareness. The term means exactly what you expect it to: being aware of the natural environment and making choices that benefit--rather than hurt--the earth. In recent years, environmental awareness has gained increased attention. It is fair to say it has become a bit of a trend: from environmentally friendly tiny homes to organic food, environmental awareness is a hot topic. However, it is nothing new and it ought to be more than just a passing fad because of its importance. Let's dig deeper and learn more about environmental awareness.
          It's so many possible thing to do about environmental awareness to preseve this we must conserving energy and water, purchases, recycling, and activism.
But some people choose to buy clothing and products that contain natural fibers/materials, rather than synthetic ones. Obviously, recycling is another huge part of demonstrating environmental awareness. Still, others who are extremely passionate about this issue become activists. They might march in protests or organize rallies/events.
          As we can see, environmental awareness takes many forms, and each person must figure out what specific practices work for them.Going along with energy conservation is water conservation. People should be mindful to not waste water by leaving the faucet running while brushing teeth. Water is a valuable natural resource that we often take for granted. In many parts of the world, clean water is scarce. Being mindful of this is a huge step in demonstrating environmental awareness.These are the sone example to preseve the beauty of our environment.

Children’s Month Celebration

Children are the hope of our future, they are the one who will save our society  before it falls into a cruel one. What would be the world without children. Can you imagine how lonely and sad without children in our live?

Image result for childrens month celebChildren plays a very important role in our society, they serve as the hope and future of one nation. They build a stronger world for each and one of us. They also serve as the happiness on us, in our society. Thay make our lives alive and fill it with joy and positivity that we want to have. They are still on their young age so that they need someone who loved and guide them through the right path. Let's not hate them for doing wrong things because they are still young, they still have many long years to correct the mistakes they've done. They also deserve respect, love, and care from someone who can fill their happiness.

And this children "s month celebration is dedicated to the promotion and protection of childrens rights. It sets out the rights that must be realized for every child - the rights to survival

Values Month Celebration

Pamilyang Pilipino patatagin. Susi sa paghubog ng kabataang Maka-diyos, makatao, makakalikasan, at makabansa:

Image result for values month celebration"Pamilya'y susi upang bata'y maging mabuti". "Pamilya'y mahalaga upang anak ay maging responsable!". Ito ay nagpapahiwatig na ang Pamilya ay importante at dapat na patatagin para rin sa ikabubuti ng lahat. Ang ating mga tahanan ay tumatayong una nating mga paaralan, mga magulang na nagsisislbing ating mga guro, at mga kapatid na nagiging ating mga kamag-aral. Malaki ang ginagampanan ng Pamilya sa ating buhay, sila ang dahilan kung bakit tayo nahubog sino man tayo ngayon, kung bakit tayo nagtataglay ng mga mabubuting asal na meron tayo. Kaya napakahalaga na ang bawat Pamilyang Pilipino ay maging matatag, gawing pundasyon ang pagmamahal, respeto at pagtanggap.

Monday, November 11, 2019

United Nation

            In a society, peace happens when different desires are in one agreement. Peace is based on many things, culture, education, family values, experience and history but the basis is the same to avoid war, kiling and in order to have the world peace, that's why each country are joining force to attain the peacefulness of our world.

            In a country, peace is a term that most commonly refers to an absence of aggression, violence or hostility. Peace isn't the absence of violence but rather teh presence of justice. In today's world , peace and harmony face various threats. Terrorism, regional imbalance, economic disparity and social inequality are some of the factors which threaten peace. We are all want our lives to be peaceful. We expect that peace to be omnipresent but what we need to realize is the fact that if we want peace , we have to live peacefully, love everyone, forgive and forget... It's not enough to stand around asking if world peace will ever happen because that won't do anything. Actions speaks louder than any words. If everyone starts living peaceful loving way things will change.

            Acceptance, compassion and tolerance are foundation of peace. Unity also matters to all of us for us to achieve world peace.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Second Grading

Image result for reflection          So this is the feeling to be like grade-10 student it's hard not just because of this subject but the combining forces of all. Sometimes I just want to give-up but I've started it and I have to finish it.

          I've gained a lot of knowledge during our second quarter. I learned so many things and explore about the topics. I've learned about the HTML tags, stand-alone tag and container tag, and I've learned how to use the text formatting tags, head tags and text alignments and on how to make a web pages, notepad and attributes. Thanks to this subject that reached me a lot of things, for adding my knowledge about this.

          Moving on, I will try my best for the next two more quarter to gain more knowledge for the future. Second grading is slightly hard but I've also enjoyed it. Yes it is stressful but at the end of the day we can say that is worth it.


          In life, in order for us to grow, one must be influenced by the people surrounding us. Among our friends, family and all the people surrounds us there is only one person we truly admire and that's  our teacher. A teacher who stands as our second parents in school, and one of the people  who believe on us.
Image result for teachers day          Teachers has an important role in our lives. Teachers do a lot of things for their students. They are sacrifice the time that they should be spending with their families, their own happiness, the efforts that they are exerting just to make sure that we are learning and of course their everlasting patience for us-students. Yes, they are receiving a salary from the government but is this enough for their repay all their hard works?, all the things that they are doing?. Teachers role in our life is very important like our parents. We would never be the person that what we  wanted in the future if not because of them, we would never received a proper education that the only key for our dreams if not because of teachers. They are our hero, our savior the real batman, wonder woman and superman.
Image result for teachers day
          We are celebrating Teacher's Day to give love to our teachers. They also need to rest and have fun. We should thank them for their unending love, sacrifices and efforts. Teachers must never be forgotten, must never be ignored, must be respected and must be recognized.

ISNHS Intramurals

2019 Intramural Sports          Intramurals sports refer to any recreational activity which are arranged within specific school or university. The purpose of this is to make students physically and mentally active and bring fun. It also promotes wellness such events cannot be boring band dull.

            Every school in the world can experience the intramurals.In our intramurals provide different activities or sports. In this event the perfect time to highlight fellowship sportsmanship and to enhance our talents.

             In every month of September we are celebrating our intramurals. In this celebration different sports are being held like volleyball, basketball, badminton, table tennis and also board games such us chess and scrabble.

          The Supreme Student Government (SSG) in our school also conducted fun activities and booths like movie booth, marriage booth, chemi-lock booth and also the love in rinth booth for the students to enjoy the intrams. Intramural makes students more confident so that their life would be brighter and ingrained.

Image result for intramurals               However the biggest opportunity and value of intramural is wellness and desire to be active and to get entertainment always.

                All in all intramurals is fun and exciting such events many advantages and open responsibilities for students to be active, happy and more fun. Encourage students to participate in active life and experiment in entertainment and to promote wellness event that cannot be conceals.


Related image      Science is known for being a hard subject in the school. Science is about creating new knowledge, inventions and investigations. Everything we can see are made from science. Science has a big impact in one society.

       In every month of September we are celebrating the Science Month Celebration. In this celebration different activities are being held like poster making contest, trashion show, photo envi-cum lecture, sci-trix, sci-quiz and also the Ginoo at Binibining Kalikasan.

           This activities are not created not only to enhance the skills of the students and their thinking abilities but also yielding the national wellness of the school and create an impact of good communication.

             "Metabolize Nourishing the Youth Towards National Well-being," this is the theme this year. Metabolism is the process of maintaining the condition of living things. In nourishing the Filipino Youth towards National Well-being, it is important to metabolize this process to maintain the awareness and condition of the youth, nourished and healthy environment as citizens of their country.

             We all know that science is everywhere and somewhere, anything and everything, somebody or someone. Science is everything that is surround us. It's to discover information, problems, hypothesis and conclusions. Everything in our world that we use somehow or someway was made by science. 

              And fortunately the activities became successful. The science month ended very well, thanks to the students who participated.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Have Fun

Image result for happy school movements           "Happy Schools Movement" during is regional launch in Vigan Convention Center, Vigan City on May 20, 2019. The movement seeks to promote every school in the region as a better and enjoyable place. It aims to make more fun in school by developing a holistic learning environment for children or for all the learners. It is important for children to know that they are welcome and it is fun to be in their school and classroom.

          Happy School Movement is a great challenge for all the children that are learning. Going to school is not just about getting high grades the most important thing is for the children to have fun while learning.

          With the theme:"Paaralang Masayang Maglingkod Tagumpay ng Bata'y Itaguyod" the (HMS) Happy Schools Movement is an advocacy that envisions having a generation of responsive and cross culture competent future builders through creating a happier and more positive school atmosphere.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Solidarity Celebration of Vigan City


Image result for solidarity vigan           Vigan is one of  the new seven wonder cities of the world. This place have a lot of things that must be proud aside from it's title. The hospitable people, the beautiful places and thye very rich history of it.

          Another great time to visit Vigan in during their World Heritage Cities Solidarity Day Celebration every September. Vigan celebrates this with other cities all over the world that have world heritage sites.

Image result for solidarity celebration of vigan city          In Vigan this special day is actually commemorated with week-long festivities aimed at strengthening pride in the history and culture of Vigan. This aim is in keeping with the long-term goal of preserving the 630 heritage structures that date back from the 18th century and 19th century. Visitors can start their Vigan heritage solidarity festivities with the Repazzo de Vigan. This is a parade that is participated in by all 39 barangays, specially the students and members of non government organizations. The participants dramatized the Biguenos' away of life from Spanish time up to the period after World War II while they walk through the designated parade route, accompanied by music.

Image result for solidarity celebration of vigan city          This is unique parade experience is followed by the Historia Oral. The Historia Oral is a wonderful opportunity for listeners, eo learn about Vigan's history, culture and day to day life from  the old ordinary vigan folks. Members of the senior citizens' federation are tapped to share their experience, knowledge and love of their own city through story telling. Grade-school student listeners from vigan join the historical -literary contest that is held in connection with the Historia Oral.

          These some activities, events and the festival as a whole, aim to reactivate and strengthen cultural activities as well as promote and establish the young generation's role in the conservation of our tangible heritage.

          Vigan City have a lot of hidden gems, so together let us discover this. Visit Vigan and see it's beauty.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Buwan Ng Wika Celebration

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          Para sa taong 2019 sa buwan ng Agosto, ipinagdiriwang ng Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF) ang Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa na tampok sa temang " Wikang Katutubo:Tungo sa isang bansang Filipino" na ipinapahayag na dapat nating pagpugayan at patunayan na mahalagang bahagi ng ating pagkabansa ang 130 katutubng wika ng Pilipinas.

          Sa ating pagkakataon, itutuon ang pagdiriwang ng Buwan ng Wika sa mga katutubong lengguwahe dahil "kung hindi natin ito aalagaan, manganganib ito at kung pababayaan, maaari pang maglaho ito ng tuluyan. Kapag naglalaho ang isang wika, tila may isang tahanan on kamalig ng ating ala-ala at tradisyon ang nawala at di na mababawi kailanman".Dahil dito, ang pagpapahalaga ng wikang katutubo ay katumbas na rin ng pagpapahalaga sa mga kapuwang Pilipino nagmula sa ibang tradisyon.

          Malinaw na ang Wika ay isang mahalagang kasangkapan na ginagamit upang maiparating ang mga nasasaloob na ideya at damdamin ng isang tao. Hindi lamang ito isang paraan na pakikipag-usap sa kapuwa kundi ginagamit din ito upang makipagkaibigan, makipagtalakayan at maibahagi ang iba't ibang opinyon at kaisipan. Sa buong kasaysayan, maraming mga bagay, sitwasyon atb pangyayari na tumutukoy sa kahalagahan ng wika sa mga tao, sa ating kapaligiran at higit sa lahat sa ating bansa.

          Ang Wika ng isang bansa ay masasabi natin na kaluluwa ngf isang bansa na siyang nagbibigay buhay dito. Ito ay nagsisilbing tulay na siyang nagdurugtong sa mga komunidad na naninirahan sa isang bansa sa pamamagitan nito, ang pagkakaisa at pagkakaunawaan sa bawat tao ay lalong yumayabong. Ito rin ang nagsisilbing susi ng ating pagkakakilanlan sa pamamagitan nito, nakikilala ng ibang rao kung sino tayo.

          Ang Wikang Filipino ay isa sa mga kayamanang ating natanggap mula pa sa ating mga ninuno. Ito ang nagsisilbing instrumento para sa pambansang pagkakaunawaan at tulay s magandang ugnayan. Bilang isang mamamayan ng bansang Pilipinas at matatag na Pilipino ang ating sariling wika ay regalong dapat pakaingatan para na rin sa susunod pang mga henerasyon. Ugaliin itong gamitin at ipagmalaki saan man tao makarating. Laging palatandaan na ang wika ang sumisimbolo sa ating pagkapilipino. Ang Wika rin ay maaari ring maging batayan ng ating nakaraan at kultura.

          Kaya ang "Buwan ng Wika" ang isa sa mga pagkakataon natin upang ito ay payabungin at ipagmalaki. Pagkakataon din ito upang iparating sa ating mga kababayan na ang ating pambansang wika ay hindi lamang para sa pakikipagkomunikasyon ngunit siya ring pundasyon ng ating pagkakakilanlan bilang isang indibidual at bilang isang bansa.    

Saturday, August 10, 2019

My First Grading

Image result for reflection 
      Studying ICT means developing more advanced skills and knowledge. It will deepen your knowledge of technology and now it works. I learned a practical skills like coding/programming, how to create a blog and having a communucation with others beacause of the internet and i gain a theoritical understanding of topic like internet and web development.
       The  problem that i have encountered to our subject is when my classmates are reporting i can't understand well but we have a teacher that give her best to teach us well. Moving on, I will share the ideas that i have gained or learned.

Monday, July 29, 2019


National Disaster Resilience Month
“Kahandaan sa Sakuna’t Peligro para sa tunay na Pagbabago”

        The Department of Health (DOH) join the annual observance of the National Disaster Resilience Month (NDRRM) this whole month of July with the theme “Kahandaan sa Sakuna’t Peligro para sa gTunay na Pagbabago”.
            This event calls for action among national agencies and local government units (LGUs) to prevent disaster resilience campaigns towards increasing public awareness on the importance of disaster risk reduction and management. This will cover four thematic areas, namely disaster prevention and mitigation disaster preparedness, disaster response and disaster rehabilitation and recovery.
            Every year of July is the National Disaster Resilience Month (NDRRM) in the Philippines. This order aims to further strengthen every individual’s capability to be disaster resilient. This July 2019 everybody encouraged to do the act to promote or support the disaster resilience of the community.
            In the local government unit, there is a lot of lined up activities. Some is conduct their information education campaign (IEC)to build awareness that can contribute to capacity development. Others should be doing tree planting activities, and skills trainings. But, whatever the LGU do, you need to do more. The following should guide you in your home, workplace or school to contribute in the campaign for disaster resilience. Evacuation is not a bad thing. Evacuation is important to everybody.
            If there is a disaster of course there were a lot of deaths, which we also commemorate during the National Disaster Resilience Month. So we should learn from there and keep in mind that life is at stake and we should be resilient in our own way. Remember that whatever actions you do that concerns disaster preparedness is a lot of contribution in everybody’s goal of having Disaster Resilient Community.

Health is Wealth

Kumain ng Wasto at maging aktibo Push natin to!

Image result for kumain nang wasto maging aktibo push natin to            Health is important to everybody. Health is the condition of being well or free from disease the overall condition of someone’s body or mind.
            Nutrition is also important to our health because nu5trition is the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy.
            Healthy lifestyle is one can help to our body because lifestyle is the way which an individual’s behavior like every day routine at homer at work, eating, exercise hobbits, etc. lifestyle is a composite of motivation, needs and wants. Your lifestyle is utmost important. Everything you can do, whether good or bad, has an effect on your health. Your lifestyle involves a lot of aspects like the food you eat and your daily hobbits, etc.
            Developing your healthy eating hobbits while using tips that you will keep us fuller longer can be useful in your weight management. Knowing your body need is important to your weight management and control overconsumption and under consumption food.
            Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the food you love. Eating right can help you maintain a healthy weight and avoid certain health problems.

            This year the celebration of national nutrition month aims to prevent disease that can affect our health and eat healthy foods to maintain our healthyness.