Monday, November 11, 2019

United Nation

            In a society, peace happens when different desires are in one agreement. Peace is based on many things, culture, education, family values, experience and history but the basis is the same to avoid war, kiling and in order to have the world peace, that's why each country are joining force to attain the peacefulness of our world.

            In a country, peace is a term that most commonly refers to an absence of aggression, violence or hostility. Peace isn't the absence of violence but rather teh presence of justice. In today's world , peace and harmony face various threats. Terrorism, regional imbalance, economic disparity and social inequality are some of the factors which threaten peace. We are all want our lives to be peaceful. We expect that peace to be omnipresent but what we need to realize is the fact that if we want peace , we have to live peacefully, love everyone, forgive and forget... It's not enough to stand around asking if world peace will ever happen because that won't do anything. Actions speaks louder than any words. If everyone starts living peaceful loving way things will change.

            Acceptance, compassion and tolerance are foundation of peace. Unity also matters to all of us for us to achieve world peace.

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