Thursday, December 12, 2019

Gift, give it back!


Image result for gift give it backChristmas is the most special occadion that we need yo celebrate on the month of December. The day when we received our greatest gift, our saviour was born.
Christmas  is one of the most awaited season of all people. Excited to the gift that we are to receive, food that we would be eating and of course to the dress that we would be wearing. We were so happy celebrating, like its our last day but we didn't that not all are experiencing this. Poor families that are living in the street, families that doesn't have a food to eat, sleeping without even taking anything. This is the reality not all people have the same status as you.
The essence of christmas is not about having sparkling christmas lights and having well decorated christmas tree.
Image result for gift give it back  Christmas is the day of giving. Share, spread and give love. It is not important how much you give because it the thought  that counts. Giving even you are also in need, giving wholeheartedly without waiting for return. Sharing without thinking of any reward or tokens.  Show your love even in the simplest thing that you know, smile to the person beside, even they are strangers or they are your enemies, say hello to anyone you'll meet along your way. Hug your friends tight, and dont forget to say the word "thank you".
On this day we received Jesus Christ, God gave his only son to us. So it's now our turn to give back by giving to the people around us.


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