Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Solidarity Celebration of Vigan City


Image result for solidarity vigan           Vigan is one of  the new seven wonder cities of the world. This place have a lot of things that must be proud aside from it's title. The hospitable people, the beautiful places and thye very rich history of it.

          Another great time to visit Vigan in during their World Heritage Cities Solidarity Day Celebration every September. Vigan celebrates this with other cities all over the world that have world heritage sites.

Image result for solidarity celebration of vigan city          In Vigan this special day is actually commemorated with week-long festivities aimed at strengthening pride in the history and culture of Vigan. This aim is in keeping with the long-term goal of preserving the 630 heritage structures that date back from the 18th century and 19th century. Visitors can start their Vigan heritage solidarity festivities with the Repazzo de Vigan. This is a parade that is participated in by all 39 barangays, specially the students and members of non government organizations. The participants dramatized the Biguenos' away of life from Spanish time up to the period after World War II while they walk through the designated parade route, accompanied by music.

Image result for solidarity celebration of vigan city          This is unique parade experience is followed by the Historia Oral. The Historia Oral is a wonderful opportunity for listeners, eo learn about Vigan's history, culture and day to day life from  the old ordinary vigan folks. Members of the senior citizens' federation are tapped to share their experience, knowledge and love of their own city through story telling. Grade-school student listeners from vigan join the historical -literary contest that is held in connection with the Historia Oral.

          These some activities, events and the festival as a whole, aim to reactivate and strengthen cultural activities as well as promote and establish the young generation's role in the conservation of our tangible heritage.

          Vigan City have a lot of hidden gems, so together let us discover this. Visit Vigan and see it's beauty.


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