Monday, July 29, 2019

Letter For President

Dear President,
        Good day sir! We would like to thank you, as there have been many changes and progress during your administration. We applaud you for cleanup of Boracay and Manila Bay. In the world where our environment is no longer valued, thank you for taking steps to protect and preserve the beauty of the Philippines. We also admire that you have been a proactive president in achieving you vision of a new and improved Philippines.
            This administration is committed to a program of progressive moderation, liberal in its human concerns, conservative in its economic proposals, constructively dynamic and optimistic in its appraisal of the future. This program, I firmly believed, merits the endorsement and support of thinking, confident, forward-looking Filipinos.
            For our country and the world, we seek establishments of international relationships characterized by order and justice, in which reason and truth are respected, under which men can live as neighbors at peace.
            We recognized that you were hurt by the catholic church in you youth and we cannot imagine that traumatic effect this must have had on you. We sincerely apologized on behalf of the church and pray for your healing. Despite, this we believed that in dealing with the church, as well as our priests, respect should be given to them, as they serve as instruments of Christ.
            We wish that you read this letter with an open mind and heart. We simply want to clarify any misconceptions you or anyone else might be having. If you are doubts about the teachings and beliefs of the catholic church, please allow us to show you the love and compassion that the faith is truly about. You have such great influence over the people of our country, and so we hope that you will be one to unite us and propel us forward as a nation.

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