Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Meet the NEW me...

                                                             Meet the NEW me....

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11:15...11:35...11:45...waiting at the clock to strike at 12 o'clock. Where the unceasing loud noises, unending greetings, joyful laughters and beautiful fireworks display start. As the New Year arrived, may we now change the bad attitudes we have into good ones as how long the calendar turned its page forward.

So now I am promising atleast try my best to alter my bad attitudes or doings into something that I can be proud of. I will be now changing my disposition on how I will look things. Be more positive, be optimistic and trust yourself. I will try to have more time on having more friends than spending in my room. I also promise to lessen my laziness, this can't be easy to take out off in my system but I will do everything to avoid this. And yes, responsibilities are hard ..."but always remember in everything we do there's alway a lesson that we would learned"...yes I will remember that.

Related imageAnd...Goodbye 2019 to the thing that made my year a little harden. The difficulties the hardship that we went through were all testament of how brave you are as a person and the scars that you bear are proof how you won the bottles of life. And goodbye to all my mistakes I made wrong and poor decision that made my life bit messed up.

Old habits are hard to forget especially the bad ones but I promise that this 2020 I will ne the best version of myself.


Waiting for our time to come to its end before changing ? Start now.


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